kittie looking 4 another kittie

Године 50 из South Portland, Maine На мрежи Пре више од 2 недеља

ТС/ТВ/ТГ тражим ТС/ТВ/ТГ

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  • Говорим Енглески
  • Мој опис Hello, My name is Jenna.

    Thank you for stopping by,
    (ohh, and I prefer, to say, on a side note, in my opinion this should all come second...)

    I am a PRE-OP Transgender female/ lesbian and looking for a woman who loved to get to know me
    (with minimal drama and JADED anger, issues and attitude, am I asking for to much) to cuddle
    (I'm a HUGE cuddle bug with someone I feel attracted to) and to live out our lives together... (no..., to soon?)

    Lets start with building a friendship, a call, a meeting, we enjoy each others company (but so many seem to not give
    it a chance, lets not assume it always will go bad, sometimes, we have our off days and alot of us probably had been jaded,
    or got nervous, lets visit again or get talking on the phone (if its to hard to come and visit, (due to distance,
    gas, and what-not), go for nice, fun, or quite walk... get to know each other, if we enjoy each others company, lets
    head back and hangout... (maybe we will want to touch each other, I love public and private affection...)

    I will respect if you are not out and respect your privacy, (still not a safe world)..., but I cannot LIE for you,
    (I understand how dangerous it is)... (but I am FULLY-OUT) (well, we can talk about your concerns...)

    (What happen to getting to know someone and asking someone there favorite color, or what they like to do,
    what there dreams are, then to (jump right into bed)..., what happen to getting to know someone first... (^_^)...

    Don't get me wrong, if we feel attracted to another, I appreicate touch, (I am a very touching person to someone I feel
    attracted to, but what happen, someone like me who needs touch, and if I am seen as such an attractive woman,
    why are the other women or gender variant so scared to not touch me, (due to their own gender or sexual issues and a
    whole list of things, but I am patient with the right person..., but not to long, I am getting older and can't wait around

    Not that I am "putting a lot of stock in it" as they say.

    Short tempered and easily agitated need not apply here (^_^)

    as my anxiety acts up when someone comes at me with, anger, attitude, short-tempered, sarcasm cliques, (PLEASE BE GENTLE),
    (or if someone, out of the blue gets angry about something, makes me feel stupid and (my friends tell me, Jenna your
    VERY intelligent, no one should EVER treat you or make you feel that way)), I know we all have our quirks,
    not saying I am anything perfect)... (But I believe there has to be other kind, gentle, empathitic, intelligent,
    romantic woman like me.)

    I am DRUG/ CHEM and DISEASE FREE (NEVER DONE DRUGS or any chemical dependency...) I eat healthy, workout (do the best I can),

    I might have an occasional drink socially (but it is so rare), or a water with lemon...

    I've been jaded in the past (haven't many of us), but I don't let that stop me to get to know someone, but that is a WHOLE other story...

    PLEASE, be honest, I don't have any diseases nor have I ever had any. If you do have something, please be honest and fill me in.

    Very attractive gender variant women that aren't all crazy, prove me wrong, am I one of the few down-to-earth left? ("Normal" humble, down to earth Trans-women left?
    Prove me wrong? (or maybe someone will find or say something that will say I am crazy, so go figure, there seems to be no RIGHT answer..., I do not want to sound
    like I am putting to much into all this or not "RELAXING" or just taking it easy or not "FOCUSING ANYTHING" I just believe, my friends, say, no, Jenna,
    we see your a very HONEST woman, knows what she wants and many can't handle honesty..., or intimated, or a million other reasons...,
    (not sure why I wrote all this, just maybe it makes me sound crazy for being honest and knowing what keeps me from being in a difficult situation up front...
    (not a bad thing)) am I the only one in this??? (LOL) (No, I am well aware there are a lot of us that feel this way, just actually being one of the few to type/ say it)
  • Хороскопски знак Лав
Изглед и стање Какво је Ваше тренутно стање? Опишите како изгледате.
  • Моје грађа Витка
  • Висина 175 цм
  • Боја очију Плавa
  • Раса Белац/Белкиња
  • Брачно стање Разведен/Разведена
  • Имам децу Не
  • Моја најбоља карактеристика Очи
  • Телесна обележја Пирсинг у пупку, Минђуша/минђуше
  • Боја косе Светло смеђа
  • Имам Пас
  • Спреман/Спремна за селидбу Да
Статус Чиме се бавите?
  • Образовни ниво Факултет, али га нисам завршио/завршила
  • Мој радни однос Радим од куће
  • Моја струка Забава/Медији
  • Живим Сам(а)
  • Код куће Понекад ми дођу пријатељи
  • Пушим Не
  • Пијем Да - у друштву
Личност Како се понашате? Шта Вам се допада?
  • Моја интересовања и хобији Рачунари, Кување, Вечере, Вежбање/Тренирање, Учење, Филмове, Музика, Фотографија, Позориште, Путовања, Волонтирање
  • Како замишљам провод Дружење с пријатељима, Блеја, Волим да останем код куће, Биоскоп, Волим да испробавам нове ствари
  • Мој савршен први састанак See above, (but give me a call and we'll talk about it if it gets that far)
  • Одувек сам желео/желела да (I love to travel) (but, due to a limited current budget, love to travel more)...
  • Моји пријатељи кажу да сам Дружељубив/дружељубива, Моји пријатељи желе бити ја, Кул, Савршен(а)
Погледи/Животни ставови Животни ставови
  • Мој животни циљ I'm always working towards a few goals, (want to talk about it). I like to see the other woman have a goal too, (and/ or I'm open and we can talk about one together?)
  • Мој смисао за хумор Дружељубив/дружељубива
Укус Шта волите?
  • Увек слушам Ја сам музичар
  • Како замишљам добру забаву She brings me a single (plastic) Rose (from the Dollar Tree) (so it can last forever), (bring me muddy bears), I'm not materialistic, I'm a simple, but intelligent woman) or, go for a walk, come back, cuddle (watch a movie), enjoy a nice movie, cook together, dance, listen to music and so much more... (lets start with a chat?)
Тражим Како замишљате сродну душу?
  • Шта Вас привлачи? Саосећајност, Интелигенција, Осећајност, Брижљивост
  • Шта тражите? Though, its "NOT" suppose to matter who someone is on the outside, and I do not want to sound shallow.

    I'm more attracted to both (the personality of a gentle/ sensitive person, NOT ATTITUDE and JADED ISSUES or heavy sarcastic people!) and I prefer a attractive woman who takes care of herself.
  • Какву везу тражите? Пријатељ

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