daisymarina Profiloplysninger

Just your not so average girl next door
TS/TV/TG Søger en Mand
Alder 32 Fra Indianapolis, Indiana
Online - Over 2 uger siden
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Grundlæggende oplysninger

    Fornavn: Daisy
    Jeg beskriver mig selv som: Hi there my name is Daisy Marina! 🤭🌸

    I’m your Midwest, not-so-average girl next door fantasy that craves to please her man and keep him spoiled and happy. I’m 32, from the United States, and all natural. I’ve got a care-free but funny side to me and I always enjoy laughing and having a good time.
    Underskriv: Gemini

Udseende & Situation

    Min kropstype er: Veltrænet
    Min højde er: 188 cm
    Min etnicitet er: Latinamerikansk
